What is fine art photography assignment by Nicholas Price
and what does it mean for your organization?

Do you want to
communicate more than just a stock Photo of your company?
Do you want to
strengthen your corporate message and brand through a unique style of photography?
Do you want to say only the
best is acceptable?
Or has acceptable become good enough for you?

In today’s business world,
originality, quality and integrity are three of the most important messages that business and consumers are looking for in a brand.

For the sort of situations where a picture has to do more than simply portray a generic message-but has to say something specific about the company and the subject of the photograph-not even high level stock photography will do.
In those instances, you need to bring in specialized
master fine art photographer Nicholas A. Price to create exactly the kind of unique, professional images that only fine art assignment photography can produce.

Nicholas Price is an accomplished photographer and artist, having been commissioned by many prestigious organizations. He has exhibited his work all over the world and his photography collections have published in five books and countless other publications.
His work has been acquired by the Library of Congress and is collected in over thirty-five countries.

Using a photographer like Nicholas Price requires an
investment of resources, a clear understanding of the sort of photographs that are desired and good communication so that the photographer understands exactly what needs to be delivered.
The results are always unique and outstanding!

These photographs are not just simply a marketing tool. They are a legacy created in the highest form , delivering both quality and integrity and created for you by an outstanding and world acclaimed photographer.
A photograph taken by Nicholas A. Price depicts a certain humble and inspiring perspective of this artist and photographer - the Nicholas Price style of photography that is
truthful, objective and usually candid, is in greater demand today than ever before in helping tell the stories of the individual, the corporation or the masses.

Select Clients & Commissions

Partnerships With Nature

This enourmous project was  commissioned by Busch Entertainment Corporation and SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund to document and create a fine art photographic study highlighting the areas of spiecies reasearch, zoological habitats/protection of habitats, animal research and conservation.

The commission also included the documentation of "the Collection" the wildlife that lives at Busch Gardens, SeaWorld and Discovery Cove.

The project consists of over several thousand photographs and took three months to complete.

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Partnerships With Nature

Nicholas Price traveled to South Florida to document the work being done by University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Alumnus and Postdoctoral Associate Dr. Katherine Mansfield, in collaboration with FAU‟s resident turtle expert, Dr. Jeanette Wyneken. He visited the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, Fla. where he photographed dozens of endangered and threatened loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles.

The goal of the team's research is to explore new, small-scale tagging technologies capable of tracking the early dispersal and survivorship rates of neonate loggerhead and leatherback turtles off the southeast Florida coast. Their work is helping scientists understand when and how hatchlings disperse in the ocean, as well as identifying offshore nursery habitats and the oceanographic features that may influence their initial dispersal and migration patterns.

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Partnerships With Nature

Nicholas Price was introduced to the Audubon as part of his Partnerships with Nature project with the SeaWorld Busch Gardens Conservation Fund. Hundreds of photographs were taken of their work in rescuing, re-habilitating and protecting the beautiful birds in Florida.

After the project was completed, Nicholas would return to the Audubon as he was given the very special privilege of revisiting the friends he had made and photographing the release of a Bald Eagle, who had been a patient at the center. Unfortunately, the Bald Eagle had been injured by humans who had attacked the majestic bird whilst she was out hunting. Having fully recovered, she embarked on her flight to freedom which for Nicholas truly encapsulated the work and message of wildlife conservation.

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UNLV Public Lands Institute

Three 40-foot buses wrapped with images exclusively provided by master fine art photographer Nicholas A. Price as part of a three-month campaign to encourage Southern Nevadans to "Get Outdoors and help fill the need for event and operational volunteers at the four federal land management agencies.

The project was used to increase public awareness and promote the message for volunteers to help take care of our Public Lands on a backdrop of photographs taken by Nicholas Price that show off the natural beauty of Lake Mead, Red Rock Canyon and Mount Charleston.

Nicholas Price has taken thousands of  photographs of Southern Nevada's natural beauty using traditional film rather than digital formats. This process allows his photography to be reproduced as huge formats without destroying the integrity or quality of the final image.

Photos courtesy of UNLV Public Lands Institute

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Department of Interior and Lake Mead National Recreation Area - National Park Service.

Photographs were commissioned for the Lake Mead area to assist with tourism and educcational boards for the Lake Mead area.
These photographs were taken using Kodachrome and Fuji Police Evidence Film which produces the best color results.
Department of Interior and Lake Mead National Recreation Area - National Park Service.

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Urban Underground Magazine

Campaigns and studies focusing on the urban lifestyle and themes.
This included a photographic potrait study of some of the artists and icons in the Urban Music Scene.
Urban Underground Magazine


This Project was commissioned by a group of clients that include Homeless Advocates, business people and community leaders wishing to document the state of homelessness in America.
An ongoing project that is revisited every five years, to be used for education, outreach and fundraising purposes.

This is not about an individual, a city or town, nor any specific country; this is a narrative concerning a sometimes much forgotten emotion, that of compassion. A concern for fellow man or woman and our surroundings, giving a thought beyond the grocery list, the fast food lunch or television schedule.
And here I momentarily revisit the topic through black and white film, not only because it is become a kind of signature or trademark of my work but also merely because the shame of loss and decay is clear in monochrome, for here it cannot slip behind a colorful sign or building. Nature hands us beautiful colors every day and those sunsets and open country scenes make for beautiful color works, however this is story and a journey through the very world in which we live. For some this is a harsh and rough journey and they should not go forgotten and undocumented.

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Nicholas A. Price photographed the Hoover Dam using his unique talent and style as a Master fine art photographer, in 2007.

Nicholas wanted to capture the Hoover Dam in a way that was reminiscent of the 1930's Art Deco era - a style that architect Gordon B. Kaufman elegantly applied throughout the entire Hoover Dam Project.

Through his use of black and white film and doing his usual thing of breaking every rule associated with photographing in low-level lighted areas, Nicholas pushed his technical knowledge and film speeds to the extremes to ensure his style of light and shadow played even more strongly than usual within the photographs he would create from film.

Looking back to how photography was created and displayed in the 1930's, Nicholas deliberately hand printed his work to create an unusually small collection of only 25 photographs from the 200 that he had taken, printing them in sizes of 8x10 format then matted, framed and styled the collection in a way that would reflect the traditional photography salon feel renowned in Paris and New York from the 1800's to the 1940's.

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Click on each client logo below to view the commission in detail
Cleared Hot! An Exclusive and Personal Photographic Journey into the U.S. Air Force
Cleared Hot! An Exclusive and Personal Photographic Journey into the U.S. Air Force
Playground of The Gods :
Playground of The Gods :
Journey into The Valley of Fire
Dance In Focus and An Anatomy of A Ballet
Dance In Focus
An Anatomy of A Ballet
20/20: A Retrospective by Nicholas A. Price, 20 years photographing America
NICHOLAS A. PRICE FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY®©  wording and logo are registered trademarks of Nicholas A. Price| Copyright © 2000-2024 Nicholas A Price. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is strictly prohibited| All images and text © Nicholas A. Price and The Nicholas Price Family Trust 2000-2024 CONTENT © 2000- 2024